Thank you for all your fine submissions! We are happily reviewing them now!

Launching in 2025

Annulet Editions

Annulet Editions is a small, independent press which will publish two books a year: one volume of poetry and a volume of prose, most typically literary criticism. Built adjacent to the vision inhabited by Annulet: A Journal of Poetics, Annulet Editions will provide a new meeting ground for readerly and scholarly intelligences through poetry, poetics, and literary criticism published annually in book form. As an editor-led press, all manuscripts selected for publication will be closely reviewed, read, and edited by our editor, Alicia Wright, as well as at least one of Annulet’s Contributing Editors.

Submissions open on May 12th, 2024. Please send your manuscripts by email, following the formatting specifications below, to In your subject line, please indicate which genre you’re submitting to by following this format: “Poetry: Manuscript Title”,  “Criticism: Manuscript Title”, or “Prose: Manuscript Title”. Any manuscript sent before or after the reading period will not be considered, nor will submissions which overtly ignore these guidelines be read.

In lieu of a suggested $10 reading fee, we ask that you instead make a donation to someone in need through

Annulet Editions also reserves the editorial possibility to publish two books of poetry, or of prose, instead of one from each category at our editor’s discretion.

If you’d still like to support Annulet Editions with a donation, please write to


Poetry Submission Guidelines

Please send your completed, full-length manuscript of poetry as a PDF in order to best preserve lineation.
In order to maximize your likelihood of selection, please familiarize yourself with the range and quality of work published in our journal, Annulet.

Previous publication or affiliation with Annulet has no bearing on manuscript selection. 

Recommended manuscript length is a minimum of 48 and maximum of 250 pages. Please include a title page with the manuscript title, your name, and a 150-250 word bio. On the following page, include your previous publication acknowledgments, if any. The manuscript should then include a table of contents, listing each title of poem and corresponding page, and should be paginated with no more than one poem per page. Images are welcome, but must not constitute more than 20% of the work in total. Please use standard serif fonts and size, such as Times New Roman or Garamond, unless typographic variations are essential to the work.

Poems published in print or online periodicals, anthologies, or chapbooks may be included, but the manuscript itself as whole must be unpublished in English in order to be considered.

We consider translations from any language into English, and have no restrictions based on international residence or citizenship. Please ensure that you have secured translation rights with either the author or their press before submitting.

There are no restrictions on style, though Annulet Editions’ objective is to publish books of poetry whose particular genius is for a dynamic interplay between form, meaning, message, and movement, in clear and complex aesthetic and historical dialogue with its contexts.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted. Please notify Annulet Editions immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere by emailing your news as a reply to your original manuscript submission.

You may submit no more one manuscript per reading period.

Poets whose manuscripts are selected for publication should expect to work closely with Annulet Editions to attend to and possibly revise the manuscript before publication (though this isn’t an invitation to send unfinished work). No revisions will be considered during our reading period.

The deadline to send your work is September 15, 2024, at 11:59 PST.

Criticism & Prose

Literary Criticism/Prose 
Submission Guidelines

Please send your completed, full-length manuscript of literary criticism or prose as a PDF. 

In order to maximize your likelihood of selection, please familiarize yourself with the range and quality of work published in our journal, Annulet.

Previous publication or affiliation with Annulet has no bearing on manuscript selection. 

Along with literary criticism or essay collections, we are seeking public-facing scholarly work in the tenor of essays we publish in Annulet. You may collect existing work, compose a collection of paeans, or write a combination of any of our essay genres, for example. Use of our essay categories is not mandatory. We prefer “experimental” prose fiction.

Recommended manuscript length begins with a minimum of 40 and should not exceed 300 pages. Please include a title page with the manuscript title, your name, and a 150-250 word bio. On the following page, include previous publication acknowledgments, if any. The manuscript should then include a table of contents, listing each title of the essay, chapter, or section and corresponding page, and should be paginated, with each new section beginning on a new page. Please a legible font, such as Times New Roman, and regular font sizing. We use Chicago style for any references and citations.

Excerpts published in print or online periodicals, anthologies, or chapbooks may be included. The manuscript itself as whole must be unpublished in English in order to be considered.

We consider translations from any language into English, and have no restrictions based on international residence or citizenship. Please ensure that you have secured translation rights with either the author or their press before submitting.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted. Please notify Annulet Editions immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere by emailing your news as a reply to your original manuscript submission.

You may submit no more than one manuscript per reading period.

Writers whose manuscripts are selected for publication should expect to work closely with Annulet Editions to attend to and possibly revise the manuscript before publication (though this isn’t an invitation to send unfinished work). No revisions will be considered during our reading period. 

The deadline to send your work is September 15, 2024, at 11:59 PST.

Annulet Editions will have national, small-press oriented distribution. Authors receive 30 contributor copies, a $500 honorarium, as well as enthusiastic publicity efforts. Like Annulet: A Journal of Poetics, Annulet Editions adheres to the codes and ethics of publication conduct as determined by CLMP.